
Showing posts from 2017

Introduction to Deep Learning and Artificial Neural network.

Deep Learning is one of the major branch of Artificial Intelligence, where models will be trained in a different way as compared to machine learning. Before getting into what is Deep Learning and how the deep learning models are trained,I will discuss about one of the question which I faced most of the times " What is the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning? " In the previous post about Machine Learning, we have seen that data should have a set of features which uniquely defines the labels in case of ML and  models will be trained with the help of few ML algorithms.But consider the example of categorizing animal pictures into different classes like cats,dogs etc.if we go with machine learning approach we have to first define the feature set attributes which will classify the animal type,features like shape,eye color, size of nose etc.The drawback of using ML approach for these kind of problem is huge size of feature set. So in order to deal with such ...

Machine Learning - Work Flow

Work flow usually represent the steps to be carried to obtain a desired  output. We can say its a representation of the various  stages data should go through in order to obtain a machine learning model. The out come of the Machine learning workflow is the black box model which represent the relationship between the input data and and the output information. There are 2 types of machine learning problems Supervised and Unsupervised .Now we can concentrate on supervised learning where data used will have labels along with features whereas in unsupervised learning data will be consist of only features. What do you mean by "Feature set"?  Feature set is the set of measurable properties of data that is being observed to get the result. Consider an example of judging whether a given fruit is apple or orange we need to study/observe various characteristics of given fruit such as color,taste shape etc. All the property which describes a particular object can't be...

Machine Learning Introduction

Machine Learning! Sounds awesome right? Yeah a new era of creating algorithm which is data driven and self learning has been started already.So why to waste time lets explore few basic things about machine learning. What is Machine Learning? The field of machine learning is concerned with the question of how to construct computer programs that automatically improve with experience. Various successful machine learning application has been developed in recent years ranging from data-mining program that learn to detect credit card fraud to information filtering field where it detects person's interest and provides suggestions. What is Machine Learning Algorithm? A machine learning algorithm is an algorithm that is able to learn from data. According to Michell(1997) the formal definition of Machine Learning is as follows: " A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performa...

Adding Google Map API to Android App

Android development is  fun relative to other similar technology platforms and you can call it as a hobby too.  DEVELOPING Android  application will give same amount of fun as playing with application in phone. Google made it so easy by providing few APIs that is also for free! Here I'm going  to explain about Google Map API and how one can make use of these APIs in his Android app. I'm making use of the Android Studio, steps may vary depending upon the tool you use Step 1 : Creating Android Project Open Android Studio and create a new  Android Project     Provide a valid package name and click on Next .    Select Minimum SDK as per the requirement. If you are developing application for KitKat version    you can chose API 19    Click on Next         Select Google Map Activity as a launcher activity. (You can also select other activity as launcher activity and can ...

Create DAO using hibernate in few clicks

Hibernate is a high-performance Object/Relational persistence and query service which is licensed under the open source GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and is free to download. Hibernate not only takes care of the mapping from Java classes to database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types), but also provides data query and retrieval facilities. So here I'm going to describe how to generate POJO( Plain Old Java Object ) from database and corresponding DAO ( Data Access Object )  to manipulate/query tables programming way. I'm using Eclipse Mars  in this example. Step 1 :  Install JBoss tool from Eclipse Market Place which has a Eclipse plugins for Hibernate  Help->Eclipse Marketplace Step 2 : Create a Maven Project as shown Select Artifact type as maven-archetype-quickstart then click  Next        Enter GroupId , artifact Id and package name then click Finish which will c...

Functional Programming in JAVA

JAVA 8 release is the package of all surprises, functional programming is one among them. Let's explore a bit on functional programming style in java... Functional programming is the natural successor to Object Oriented programming.The objective of the design of the FPL is to mimic mathematical functions to the greatest extent possible. Will start with examples for functional programming in java Normally if we want to write any functions say addition of two numbers we were following below approach: public int add(int x,int y) {    return x+y; } The above piece of code can be written in FP style like Function<Integer,Integer> adder = (x,y)->x+y; Where Function belongs to the package  java.util.function General prototype     java.util.function.Function<T,R>      where T is input datatype, R is return data type. Java has one more Interface called  BinaryOperator under  java.util.function  which ...

Password Manager

We deal with passwords everyday and it is very important to have a strong password now a days. So here is the sample application created by me (Yeah! during boring time 😜) Hope you guys will like it!. Initial Screen:- This is the startup screen which allows you to enter environment and username of the credential after entering details click on Generate Password. Password generated ;- Here you are allowed to store generated password with username and environment details locally in desktop so that you can get it at any time. It also allows you to change password format that gets generated so that you can make it even more complicated. This application was developed using Java SE using NetBeans editor You can find source code in git  link Happy Coding :)

Lambda expression in Java - A new way of coding

How it looks if we have functionality of passing the method implementation as a parameter?Awesome isn't it? Yeah now we can do this magic in Java through Lambda expression.Oracle recently included Lambda expression in Java as a part of Java 8 release. So let's explore few things about Lambda expression in Java. A lambda expression is like syntactic sugar for an anonymous class with one method whose type is inferred.  Syntax :  The main syntax of a lambda expression is “parameters -> body”. The compiler can usually use the  context of the lambda expression to determine the functional interfac e  being used and the types of  the parameters. There are four important rules to the syntax: Declaring the types of the parameters is optional. Using parentheses around the parameter is optional if you have only one parameter. Using curly braces is optional (unless you need multiple statements). The “return” keyword is optional if you have a sing...